Community Calling: re-home your old smartphone
Did you know that there are approximately 1.5 million homes in the UK that still don't have access to the internet (Ofcom)? An estimated 15 million smartphones are also tucked away unused in our homes.
We’ve teamed up with Virgin Media O2 and The National Databank to data-wipe, clean and rehome unused smartphones along with 12 months’ free data, minutes and texts, to get more people digitally connected and tackle e-waste. So far 20,000 smartphones have been shared, providing vital support (Hubbub, 2024). Do you have an unused phone that could be next?
Does your old phone qualify?
Your old phone must:
- Be a smartphone (e.g. iPhone, Android)
- Not have a cracked screen or back
- Hold charge
All good? Sign up below to receive a freepost envelope* and check out what to do with your phone before posting. Once done and you’ve received your envelope, pop it in a post-box, no need to go to the post office!

Stories from our recipients

Robert lives apart from his wife and baby and was going to his sister’s house to use her phone and WIFI to speak to his family. This, as well as not being able to keep updated with the news and government announcements, had a huge strain on his mental health. During the first lockdown, as well as contacting his family, he was able to use his new device to apply for jobs and was able to secure some temporary work. He has also been teaching himself how to DJ on YouTube.
"A phone can distract you a little bit and make you busy. Without it, it was a struggle, a real struggle" - Robert, Community Calling recipient

She has had to overcome a number of barriers in her life and is no longer able to live in her family home. Georgia recently completed her Sport Leader Level 2 and helps out as an Assistant Sports Coach at Active Communities Network, supporting children who had specific needs when the other staff were unable to. Initially she was quite shy, but really embraced the volunteering opportunity and became much more confident in acting as a positive role model to others. Her volunteering work is a brilliant outlet for her and owning her own smartphone will help her to regain confidence in other areas of her life.
Chelsea, her older sister who is taking care of her said, “We’re so grateful that Georgia was picked to have one of the phones! It really helps with her confidence in getting about on her own and chatting with her friends on social media is one of her favourite things to do! She’s so happy!"
"I really like my new phone it’s top thank you it’s helps me communicate more with my friends and family. Thank you, I really appreciate it." - Georgia, Community Calling recipient
The difference your phones are making
So far, 20,000 phones have been rehomed. For some, it’s the first phone they’ve ever had. For others, it’s the first time with a phone that connects to the internet so they can access education sites, health advice, employment services, as well as connect with loved ones.
We work with community groups and local councils to find people who will benefit most from a phone and make sure digital skills training is available. From survivors of domestic abuse to asylum seekers to low-income households, everyone’s situation is different. Find out about the community groups we’ve worked with so far using our Community Calling map.
Gift your unused phone(s) to Community Calling:
- Sign up to gift your smartphone.
- Are you a business wanting to support? Email us at for help engaging your employees or find out the ways you can offer support here.
Thanks for being a part of Community Calling.

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