Our Impact in 2024

6 people enjoying their community garden. 4 people are working on the ground and 2 people are walking carrying buckets. Behind them is a large polytunnel filled with tomato plants.

The difference we made in 2024

Creating change at scale:

At Hubbub we create change at scale, not just by inspiring individual actions, but by working towards fundamentally shifting the systems that shape our choices – from what's available to what's affordable to what's considered ‘normal.’ We're testing and proving new solutions, then sharing the learnings from these projects with businesses, government and civil society, so everyone can be part of enabling and inspiring the change we need.

Read our 2024 Impact report to see the difference we’ve made.

Alex Robinson, Chief Executive, Hubbub

Our year in numbers

From increasing access to nature and reducing food waste, to giving old gadgets new homes and enabling greener and more connected communities, 2024 was a year in which we inspired action for the environment and for everyone.

Last year, thanks to the support of our partners and collaborators we:

Three infographics with three key impact stats:
1) Persuaded people to think differently about an environmental topic, over 6 million times
2) Inspired and enabled 1.7 million positive environmental actions
3) Supported a network of 1000+ communities to make a difference in their local areas