10 tips for clearing clutter

A doorway shot of a father and son playing in the son's bedroom. They are playing with lego and the father is holding a lego plane.
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10 tips for clearing clutter

Decluttering a room, a cupboard or your wardrobe can be super-satisfying, and it doesn't have to be daunting. Start slow, and follow these steps.

These tips are part of something bigger. At Hubbub, we want to see a world where everyone makes choices that are good for the environment. Check out what we do and how your actions add up.

Marie Kondo is the Queen of decluttering. Her book 'The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up' and latest series on Netflix is packed with advice for whipping your home into minimalist shape, but there’s no need to read the whole book or buy a condo in Tokyo to find your inner Kondo. This is your chance to go through closets, drawers and shelves and consider the value your possessions are adding to your life. Does it give you joy? If the answer is no, it's got to go.

Overwhelmed by the decluttering task and don’t know where to begin? Try out some brilliant life hacks from 'The Minimalists' for a great place to start. Subscribe to their podcast to get self-help without cluttering your book-shelf.

Haven’t used, worn or read something in the last six months? Doubt you’ll find a use for it in the future or that flares will come back into fashion? If it's not been used in six months then it’s probably safe to get rid of (responsibly). Try Olio, Facebook Market Place, Ebay and lots of other second-hand/sharing sites.

Host a swap with friends or at work, or why not pop into your local charity shop and see if they can make use of your preloved items.

Ready to part with larger items such as furniture or bikes? Put them on Freecycle, eBay or Facebook Marketplace and make someone’s week that much brighter.

Try this simple step to declutter your wardrobe: put all your hangers facing in one direction and when you’ve worn something put it back in the wardrobe facing the other direction. You’ll easily be able to see what you've actually worn and what you can let go of.

If spring decluttering leaves you brimming with DIY ambitions, resist the temptation of buying shiny new tools that you’ll only use once. Instead, stay calm and check out Olio, Nextdoor or Streetbank, sharing platforms that connect neighbours that have something to lend with neighbours looking to borrow. Whether it’s tools, an ironing board or a slow-cooker you’re after, chances are high that someone is storing one nearby and as an extra bonus, you might make a new friend.

If you live in London or Brighton, consider becoming a member at The Library of Things to borrow useful things for your home, projects and even adventures.

Decluttering is grade A adulting! You will deserve a reward of some sort but not more clutter. Try food, watching a film, take a day out for a full list read here

After all that hard work don't bring more clutter home. Don't buy things if you can imagine them in the decluttering box in a few months, try these tips for slowing down, buying less and enjoying what you have.

Want to learn more about stuff? In this week’s vlog, Sarah explores whether we’ve finally got too much stuff.

Want to make your house a home? 

We’ve got plenty of tips and tricks for you to make your home greener, and save money whilst you’re at it.

You’ve heard of fast fashion, but have you heard about ‘fast homeware’? 

Find out how we’ve partnered with Dunelm to help communities extend the life of pre-loved homeware.