How to write to your MP about climate change: a template

How to write to your MP about climate change: a template

Dear [Name of your MP],

I am writing to you as a constituent of [your constituency] because I want to help accelerate action on climate change.

[Insert what moved you to write this, this might be general concern about climate change or a particular environmental issue you care about]

The world had the hottest month ever recorded in July with the first three weeks of July seeing highest global temperatures ever recorded (Scientific American, 2023).

And I’ve already seen the impacts of climate change across Europe with recent wildfires but in our local area too, from the extreme temperatures of summer heatwaves to flash flooding to [insert some changes you have seen].

A commitment to ending our country’s contribution to climate change has been supported across all parties. Yet, according to a recent Green Alliance report in March 2023, the government is still off track to meet net zero targets and reading the latest IPCC synthesis report we’re not on track to achieve 1.5 or 2 degree target with the global policies we have right now.

So, will you commit to championing policies that ensure we have a safer, more just and cleaner future? Public concern for protecting the people, places and things we love from climate change is growing and the demand for action is increasing. 83% of the UK public are worried about the climate crisis (BEIS 2022), but most are unclear what they can do about it.

There are five things that can be put in place right now to cut emissions and get us on track to net zero. On behalf of everyone in [insert your constituency here], will you champion policies in parliament that ensure:

  • Our homes are warmer, greener and cheaper to run
  • Public transport, walking and cycling are accessible to everyone
  • We boost the circular economy and halve resource consumption
  • Sustainable farming and land restoration practices are prioritised and subsidised
  • Increase renewables capacity

This is a huge year for the future of our planet - and our country. We can’t wait any longer. I hope you will help us take the action needed.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely,

[your name]

On behalf of [insert local organisation(s) if relevant]

Full address and postcode

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